Friday, November 18, 2016

Unsalable Hillary or Sagacious Trump

                                                      Unsalable Hillary or Sagacious Trump

In between reality and forecast, the epiphany that Donald John Trump would trump his competitor to the white house is far-fetched.  This eye opener is scintillating to the seeming reality that what glitters is not golden. The façade that paraded the debates, the call ins, the innuendoes and facets of fracas between Hillary and Trump, with the endless badgering of Trump as an insensitive and unstable option for the white house reflected the entire opposite of the election result. I personally wasn’t shocked by the result. There had always been that inherent applause within the Trump campaign and his nefariously deemed ideals. He spoke astutely, the minds of White Supremacist Americans, although with unguided perversions. He yet misfired, but among his misfires, the origin and mindset of his proposal shone like a golden coin in a mud. How, with his egotism, bigotry, narcissism, he won the coveted election, remains a foggy mystery on the minds of billions.

Many still find it difficult to believe that Hillary’s email scandal compared with Trump’s aberrations and inexperience could have won the election in favour of the latter.  Perhaps the media support for her in spite of email scandal range, where 61% respondent in the Quinnipiac University poll barely 3months ago revealed Hillary as dishonest and untrustworthy, blinded her to address her Achilles’ hill. Her Adviser Joel Bennenston, a renowned strategist and pollster, possibly should share in the blame for her failure. He failed in his job to bring to the fore, the latent hindsight that had consistently been swept beneath notice.

Hillary was built a jetliner by the Polls pooled by CNN and other Medias and she rode on it like an ignorant peacock to an oblivious failure. Marred by the undetailed FBI investigation of the email scandal which was described as an unethical political interference by the White House to salvage her electoral integrity,  her several cosmetic preservation of diplomatic and political prowess neither worked in her interest for the white house nor flipped her personality image-wise. In spite of the conspicuous White House and Media support, she couldn’t swim through. Guessed the Americans saw through her thinly veiled façade and the media propaganda. It is hard to believe that anyone could have lost to Trump, much more Hilary. It’s as if she was fated to lose the election.
The outcome of the election is the voice of Americans. And they must accept the fate that awaits them.  Americans, perhaps chose a rookie over a rocker, time would tell. Global distrust might not reflect the true identity of Trump. He however, actually reflected his own identity with his unmentionable abominations. His victory crystallizes the views of almost 65% of Americans to keep an inbred culture rather than a diversified one.

The only formidable weapon Trump wielded, which in hindsight was Bernie’s against her in the Democrat’s primaries, reared its ugly head in reality to topple her from achieving her coveted position. A Bernie versus Trump run perhaps would have given the Democrats Olympus. The democrat, amidst the fierce scandal against Hillary, exchanged a golden coin for rusty one. The election was lost because of their choice, which was promoted by Obama and her Husband. Sentiments are Politics, and won with it but not without the right permutations.
Trump’s triumph was in his campaign model. The most common campaign, similar to Adolf Hitler in his pre-second world war crusade, (Tell them their problems, Tell them who is to be blamed for it. Tell them how to eliminate those responsible). He told majority Americans what they needed to hear; how he hopes to salvage their future by cutting taxes and giving them back their jobs, which according to him have been stolen by immigrants from Africa and their Latin neighbours. Trump harnessed this model and won the election battle against all odds, and in the U.S for that matter, a country whose bedrock foundation for peace and message of freedom for all pervades the entire globe. It seemed this value is headed for the rock, with millions of African and Mexican immigrants (especially Nigerians) awaiting repatriation or imprisonment.

Except for Trump’s experience in Business, Politics was never his forte. The world is waiting to see what will emerge from his Chrysalis. And the reactions, acidic, indifference or a shocking awe are yet to be born

Monday, September 5, 2016

Just a thought-if it makes some sense somewhere in life

What is the universal certainty that one plus one is equal to two. That our ever seemingly correct calculations and answers are not all one compound errors that have all remained functional due to their consistencies. Breaking away from our own reality or dimension, with a little bit of impulse to address this theorem, couldn’t one plus one, perhaps equal to eleven instead o f how we have been tutored to think it.
We only need to clear our minds of our conceptualized rut and redesign our mathematics. Consistent reliance on a technology that was developed and evolved over the years , building exceedingly  on this paradigm should be obliterated and a pristine idea parallel to the foundation should be evoked and we will see that truly that just as the world is inexplicable in its diversity, so also its mathematics and its functions. 

My assertion must not be taken literally. It is a subtle way to invoke the unknown in you. perhaps you can draw sustenance from what has already been conventionalized. Been nonconforming will not dull you but will make you less agreeable with yourself and possible fathom you a way through... 


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To change him is to put a dent on him. A distraction neither you nor him will relish. He is 'a zephyr and a whirlwind',. He is quaint. Sudden as the weather, Hard and gentle as the desert and not forgetting a faulty camaraderie