Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I love Trump. His self-styled rule is peculiar to his person. One who spits out his guts, raw and transparent. A look at Trump’s face while talking to him about a particular matter or idea already would suggest to you if he is buying the conversation or not. His mien is not calculative. He just sits and listen to you for a while and if he likes it, in his characteristic expression, would say “I like it, where have you been, you are an asset to this nation” or if he doesn’t like it, without any doubt or muffle in his speech. His outburst would be “That’s some bullshit idea”. He speaks no bombast. Although not conventionally articulate and lacks the programed diplomacy rigged into most leaders, his schmaltz disregard for convention is one yet better for his government and aims
I love Trump. His attempt for want to change status quo and rescue us from a rut that has not only embellished us with a ghoulish loss for human appetite and morality, but has given us pseudo-evil forms and surreal realities. He seemed a mediocre and idealist moderate. A confederate flag bearer and a gun totting admirer, he is however not a liar about who he is. He is never guilty about his mornings or afternoons greeting. He throws you a perfunctory if that is all you deserve and doesn’t even care to know your thoughts about it or anyone else’s for that matter

I love Trump because nobody understands him. He is an enigma, a prized maverick who is both aloof and attentive.

I love Trump. You call him a racist because he is keen at his enterprise and faithful to his “Make America Great Again” campaign. You think he is deeply flawed, yet he is a Billionaire with many judgment on his heels and yet surpasses them all and became the President of perhaps the most powerful Country in the world.

I love Trump. He is an alloy of desire and contempt. A scalding hot honey, yet cool on the tongue, if you care to taste.

I love Trump. He is perhaps the most unpopular man in The U.S and yet secretly adored my Hundreds of Millions in the same country for bringing back government cutbacks and better jobs. You can ask the DOW and NYSE

I love Trump. He is angry because the world does not understand his ways. He is human after all. He didn’t win the election any different a man from what he is today. He has stayed through and would not allow the paparazzi with their parlance of correctness shove him from his pedestal.

I love Trump. He has not told you why he is what he is. He has not told you why he is doing what he is doing. And he will not tell you today or tomorrow. You can listen to the News because that is all you can believe.

I love Trump. He had never fought any life taking wars but had sure fought and won libelous and deadly corporate wars and has sent foot soldiers to conquer corporate fiefdoms.

I love Trump. His name is revelation of his many achievements.  

I love Trump. What you love is not my business. I just love Trump because he makes the difference in the difference we have been seeking.


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To change him is to put a dent on him. A distraction neither you nor him will relish. He is 'a zephyr and a whirlwind',. He is quaint. Sudden as the weather, Hard and gentle as the desert and not forgetting a faulty camaraderie